Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone hope you all had a lovely long weekend off, I was working on Friday and Saturday but had Easter Sunday off. I literally stayed in my pj's all day and did nothing, it was lovely. On the night we decided to have a bit of family time with a board game, film, popcorn and a few drinks.

We had a quick game of Trivial Pursuit, me and Clint were cheating by using the cards for kids ;) so we were actually doing quite well and Clint won. I have heard loads and loads about Frozen and was really excited to watch it so I popped the popcorn in the microwave and sat down with Clint and my parents to watch it. It was actually really really good and I thought it was so funny. We had a few drinks whilst we watched the film so it was a really cozy night in. 

I was kindly sent the board game, popcorn and dvd so I could enjoy a night in courtesy of Intellicig. Intellicig is an E Cigarette company. The idea behind this campaign is to show people that they can have fun indoors without having to leave the room to smoke. My parents used to smoke and both would go outside to smoke, so the house doesn’t smell. I’ve never smoked and I think it smells disgusting so my parents would always go outside so our house would smell. Now they both use E-Cigarettes they no longer have to go outside as there’s no smoke or smell. Also during April we would usually be expecting some April Showers and no one wants to go outside and get soaked but with an Intellicig you can stay inside and stay dry whilst you smoke.

Read more about Intellicig and their #AprilShowers and #stayinside campaign here on their blog http://www.intellicig.com/blog/2014/04/april-showers/


char said...

I really want to watch Frozen, have heard so much about it!

Lisa said...

I love Trivial Pursuit but always get stuck trying to get the Orange widget, whereas my boyfriend sails through all of them.