LIFESTYLE: 5 Ways You Can Make Your Car More Sustainable

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Climate change is a major topic these days, and whether you believe it or not, you can always do more to care for the environment. Road vehicles account for 30% of global carbon emissions, so clearly, something needs to be done. You cannot change much alone, but you can play your part and make your car more sustainable with some easy changes.

Use Biofuels

Organic materials and biological matter can make biofuels. You can use biofuel in diesel vehicles (biodiesel) for your business or home car (bioethanol). Both are much less polluting than standard fuels. However, many manufacturers are yet to embrace biofuels as a viable alternative, adding to the problem. But if your car can run on biofuel, the great news is that most service stations offer them. Also, you can purchase biofuel from companies like FuelBox (see their website), which you can store at home or in your vehicle.

Drive Properly

The arguments over fuel consumption are ongoing. For every person who says driving too fast uses more fuel, another says the opposite. However, there are some things you can do to reduce how much fuel you use and, therefore, drive more sustainably:

  • Don't drive for short trips

  • Close windows when driving fast

  • Don't overload your car

  • Drive smooth and steady

  • Don't drive like you are on the track

Consider how you are driving and keep in mind how it relates to your fuel consumption. Careful acceleration and braking are excellent for efficient driving. And if you don't really need to use the car, leave it at home. Instead, walk or use public transport if it's a short trip or a nice day. With the price of fuel these days, you can save some money as well.

Switch to Electric or Hybrid

An obvious choice for drastically reducing your carbon footprint is switching to an electric or hybrid vehicle. Many car manufacturers have been reluctant to offer electric models. However, with government mandates and carbon targets set for the near future, alternatives are slowly but surely coming to market. The Toyota Prius is among the most popular hybrids, which uses an electric engine when you drive under 20 mph. But they still use petrol most of the time. Popular companies like Nissan, Volkswagen and Ford offer a range of full EVs.

Buy Pre-Owned Tread

Your tires connect your car to the ground, and they grip the road as you drive. Your vehicle will lose grip if the tread isn't deep enough. Your vehicle will also become very unstable when it's wet if your tyre tread isn't adequate. If your tire tread is becoming dangerously low, you will naturally think of buying new tires. But there are plenty of used tyres that are still good enough to use. In addition, buying used rubber helps with the environment since the materials they are made from are among some of the most polluting.

Check Tyre Pressure

Further, to ensure your tyres have enough grip, you should keep your tyre pressure at an appropriate level of between 30 and 35 PSI. Low tyre pressure can impact your tread and reduce its lifespan by up to 30%. Additionally, when your tyres aren't inflated enough, more drag is placed upon them. More drag means your car has to work harder and will increase your fuel consumption. Conversely, high tyre pressure won't increase fuel consumption but rather decrease it. However, too high will cause uneven wear and tear across the surface.


 With spring on the way, we’re all looking forward to warmer weather and the return of sunshine after months of storms and cold weather. But that doesn’t mean we should be compromising on cosy. With hygge, you can transform how your bedroom feels, turning it from harsh and clinical, to soft, welcoming and homely. 

Use Layered Bedding

Layering up your bedding is a good way to add to the consciousness factor. The more pillows, sheets and throws you can pile on, the more serene and welcoming it’ll feel. 

When you buy divan beds online, you’ll often see that the seller dresses them up with throws and cushions. Simply copying this can be a great way to make your bedroom feel cosier. 

Add Greenery And Plants

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Many of us are afraid to bring plants into the bedroom, but as a design tool, they really work. Not only do they create a more soothing and calming aesthetic, but they also clean the air. 

Try placing plants on the shelving above your bed so that you can see them whenever you get into the sack. If you have a large bedroom, put a money plant in the corner, by the window. (If you don’t have a window, you can purchase an LED that mimics natural sunlight). 

Add Several Rugs To The Floor

Hard bedroom floors are anti-hygge, so never permit them. Instead, add one or two rugs to the floor. Place a large one under the bed which extends out on all sides, and then put a smaller faux-fur one on top of it to add extra cosiness and cushioning for your feet. 

Surround Yourself With Keepsakes

If you can’t keep precious belongings close to you in your bedroom, then where can you? 

When creating your bedroom, make the space completely yours by adding items that are special to you. Make sure that each one has a story to tell and helps you feel comforted after a long day. 

Remove Clutter

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While hygge bedrooms permit a little clutter, you don’t want to go overboard. Too much will make the room feel too busy and out of control. 

To calm clutter, make use of shelving, chests at the end of the bed, and drawers built into the bedframe. If necessary, buy a large bedside table to store all your belongings. 

Add Natural Wood

Natural wood elements are part and parcel of hygge bedrooms. They remind you of the beauty and calming effects of nature.  

You can add natural wood accents to your rooms in many ways. For instance, some people like to add uncarved tree stumps as bedside tales. You might also want to lean a wooden ladder up against the wall for hanging your clothes and hats, or place a bench in the corner. The more wood elements you include, the more your bedroom will feel like a log cabin. 

Pick Neutral Colours

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Lastly, hygge bedrooms work best in neutral colours. These tend to be more soothing and put you at ease immediately. They don’t ask anything of you.

LIFESTYLE: 3 Minimalist Tips for Downsizing Your Life



We live in a materialistic world, where possessions are valued above all other things. Advertising and social media makes us feel like we need to wear the latest fashion trends, drive fast cars, and queue up for hours to own the new iPhone. But all these things are just that: things.

These items don’t make us happy, and they certainly don’t improve our lives in any meaningful way. In fact, by squandering our hard earned money on these ephemeral luxuries, we are doing ourselves a disservice. Surely it is better to put one’s money towards more valuable goals such as travel and investing in our children’s future.

For these reasons, more and more people are deciding to adopt the practice of minimalism. Minimalism is not, as many people believe, about throwing things away and leaving a stark existence with no possessions. It is instead about valuing what is important, and cutting out things that are not. It tells us to value experiences, memories, health, and relationships above all else and pay less attention to materialistic concerns. Minimalism promotes the benefits of downsizing your life and existing in a simple way. Freeing yourself of an attachment to material goods is shown to boost your mental health, enhance your quality of life, reduce your environmental impact, and improve your financial security.

If you would like to realize these benefits, here are some tips to help you downsize your life.

Audit your home

The first step to downsizing your lifestyle is to conduct a full audit of your home. Most people tend to accumulate a lifetime of belongings which take up space without providing any practical or sentimental purpose. By clearing out your home you will have much more space in which to live, and will feel less bogged down by your possessions. Systematically go through each room of your house one at a time and work out what you want to keep and what you can discard. Be strict with yourself. No one is saying you need to bin everything but it’s good to take a tip from world-renowned tidying expert Marie Kondo and ask yourself if each item “sparks joy.” If the answer is no, then there’s no reason to hang on to it. And don’t feel you have to throw everything away. You can also donate things to charity, sell them, or even keep them in storage units to free up some room.

Adopt good habits

Once you have audited your belongings, it is easy to fall back into your old ways. Make sure you adopt good minimalist habits, such as keeping surfaces and floor spaces clean, and thinking carefully about every new item you bring into your home.

Assess your priorities

Downsizing your life is not just about tidying up. It is about changing your habits and pursuing the things that really matter to you. Assess your priorities and ask yourself what you want from your existence. This introspection will help you realize that the most important aspects of life are things like family, experiences, travel, romance, personal achievements, and memories. When reflecting on your life from your deathbed, these are the things you will look back on.

LIFESTYLE: Visiting Australia? A Quick Guide To Enjoying Yourself


Image Credit: 12019 from Pixabay.

Australia boasts endless coastlines, unique wildlife, and bustling cities. You’ll find everything you want for a vacation.

That doesn’t mean that booking a trip there is as simple as it sounds. With the wide range of activities and the sheer size of the country, it can be hard to fit everything in.

Coupled with that, you’ll need to know where you’re going, what you’ll be doing, and multiple other things. Figuring out how to make sure you enjoy yourself when visiting Australia can be difficult.

Keeping a few things in mind, however, will ensure that you have an enjoyable vacation.

How To Make Sure You Enjoy Yourself When Visiting Australia

Visit At The Right Time Of Year

Most people typically go on vacation sometime between the months of April and August. If you visit Australia during this time, you could be in for a surprise.

These are generally seen as the winter months in the country. If you want to visit when it’s warm, then sometime between December and February can be better recommended.

That’s general advice, however. Because of the size of the country, weather can vary significantly from place to place.

A great time to visit southeastern Australia, for instance, mightn’t be the best time to visit northwestern Australia. Keep that in mind before you book.

Getting Around

While most people know that Australia is a large country, they often don’t realise how big it actually is. Getting from place to place can take a while unless you’re not travelling outside of a small radius.

You’ll need to make sure that you can get around. While public transport is an option, it mightn’t be as efficient as you’d like.

You could pick up a rental car in Perth’s CBD relatively easily. There are quite a few choices for this, most of which are quite budget-friendly.

Budgeting For Your Trip

A vacation in Australia can be an expensive experience. If you’re travelling around the country and seeing multiple places, that’s especially true.

You’ll need to put together a budget for it. Spending time researching costs ahead of time will be vital for this.

Alongside the flights and hotels, the nightlife can be quite expensive. If you’re planning on multiple activities, such as visiting a wildlife park, these costs will add up.

It’s not uncommon to spend a few hundred dollars a day once everything has been factored in. While there are budget-friendly places to stay and do things, you’ll have to spend time researching them.

And don’t forget the clothes and other things you’ll pick up ahead of your trip.

Visiting Australia: Wrapping Up

If you don’t know how to make sure you enjoy yourself when visiting Australia, the experience can be an overwhelming one. There’s a lot to take in, especially if you’re only there for a short time.

Taking a breath and relaxing is more than recommended. You’ll spend more than enough time stressing out when you’re not on vacation.

From the second you get on the plane, you should sit back and relax. If you’ve done the above, you should be sure to get a relaxing and enjoyable vacation.

LIFESTYLE: 4 Home Remodeling Tips for a Better Living Experience

 Home remodeling can be a daunting task. But with the right tips, it can also be an enriching experience. Whether you're looking to update your home for the first time in years or are tackling a major renovation project, these four tips will help make the process smoother and less stressful. Keep reading to learn more!

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Plan Ahead

One of the most important things to remember when remodeling your home is to plan. This means making a detailed plan of what you want to be done and mapping out a timeline for each process step. Trying to wing it or make changes on the fly can lead to costly mistakes and frustrating delays. If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of online resources (including this blog post!) that can help get you started. Be sure to consider your budget, desired results, and the available time frame when creating your plan.

Set a Budget

It's easy to get carried away with all of the possibilities for your home remodeling project. But setting a budget from the start will help keep you on track and prevent overspending. Make sure to include both material costs (like paint, furniture, etc.) as well as labor fees so that no surprises pop up along the way! This can also help ensure a smooth transition between phases if necessary due to any unforeseen delays or issues which may arise during construction. Additionally, having an itemized list of all expenses will make it much easier when it comes time for filing taxes at the end of each year.

Find the Right Contractor

When it comes time to hire a contractor, make sure they have experience in what you're trying to accomplish. You don't want someone new at home remodeling because there are many steps involved that require skill and knowledge of building codes, etcetera, before starting any work like constructing or replacement windows on your home! It's also essential for them to not only be able to complete the job but do so within your budget constraints without compromising quality or service levels - no matter how much money might be spent during construction, if nothing gets done due after all, then what was saved? Hiring an expert with years' worth of experience is always better than having an amateur just getting started.

Stick to Your Timeline

As mentioned before, it's crucial to create a timeline for your remodeling project and stick to it as closely as possible. This will help avoid any costly delays or problems down the road. If something comes up and you need to make a change, try to be as flexible as possible and keep in mind that altering your plans can often add time and money to the project's overall cost. It's always better to be overly prepared rather than rushing through the final stages and risking mistakes being made.

Remodeling your home is a huge undertaking - but with these tips in mind, you're well on your way to a successful renovation! Follow them closely, take things one step at a time, and never be afraid to ask questions when something doesn't seem right.


Upgrading your lifestyle is a very subjective thing for some; it will mean moving to a luxurious apartment like those from Meriton; for others, it will mean having extra free time or a more enjoyable job. 

What luxury is will vary from person to person. What does matter, however, is that it makes sense to you. Success is one of the things that can give us a sense of self to improve our confidence and self-esteem. 

However, just like a luxury, success is a relative term. Most people equate success to earnings. But true success can be getting extra hours each day to do hobbies that you love. 

Yet, when it comes to upgrading your lifestyle, almost everyone will benefit from some tried and true things. 

Photo by Logan Nolin on Unsplash


You don't need to head to the tourist-packed expensive cities. Instead, you can make your cash go further in cheaper places. 

There is no doubt that travel broadens your horizons. It gives you a glimpse into a world you are not part of and into cultures that make up our diverse world. 

Keep in mind that Michelin Star restaurants like Liao Fan Hawker Chan in Singapore sell food for about $2.20. 

The experience of eating it is luxurious, and the price? Less than a bottle of water in many places. 

More stuff 

Great marketing tells us that we need more stuff to be comfortable and seen as successful. In truth, though, you probably don't need too much 'stuff' to be happy. How you spend your money does make a difference. 

If you are focused on having a lot of cheaper items, you are missing out on the bigger ticket items. This is known as lifestyle inflation. 

If what you are surrounded by doesn't reflect who you want to be or who you are, it is time to declutter and strip it back to what you truly love. 


True luxury is comfort - bedding, sofas, and clothing are some of the ways that make us comfortable. Sleep and rest are something that many of us take for granted instead of high-quality sleep, and rest should be a priority in your bid to have a more upgraded lifestyle. 

Nothing is so good as looking rested or relaxing into luxuriously soft bedding each evening. Upgrading your pillow to breathable memory foam can mean you have a more comfortable night's sleep. 

Silk pillowcases offer a great way to reduce hair breakage, knots, and even wrinkles - so they are certainly worth the investment. 

If you need some serious snooze time, check out this post: LIFESTYLE: GETTING A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP - PRETTY YOUNG THING

Block free time

In a constantly busy world and demanding a lot of time from us, it can be more important than ever to make sure that you have free time blocked out. Protect your free time and use it to do things you love - completely uninterrupted. 


Spend some time wandering around art galleries and museums. Attend talks on your favorite subjects, and indulge in books on the topic. Use free nights, reduced ticket prices, and anything else that can reduce the cost but keep the price the same.