Love Sales is a fabulous free website that basically tells you who has a sale on and how to find it. The main page of the site is great because it shows you loads of different brands and by clicking on the image it brings you through to their sale page. There's even some top picks from the different sales so you might spot something you like before you have even headed over to the website.

Once you have signed up to Love Sales you can pick your favourite shops and this then edits your Love Sales page so that you only see the shops you like meaning everyone's Love Sales page will be different depending on your style and favourite shops.

You can also edit your page by price and mens or womens and you also have the option to make a list of your favourite sale finds, you can then use this list to come back and buy later or even to compare your favourite websites.

Love Sales is a more efficient way to shop, instead of you search the web to see who has their sales on it does it all for you. You will be notified when your favourite store sales start and by checking the Love Sales site you can shop all the different sales from one place.

You can use your list to watch products, you will be notified if they drop in price or go in the sale.

So you never need to pay full price ever again, it's so simple to sign up and start personalising your Love Sales account so you can start saving money and shop the sales the easy way.

*sponsored post: all opinions in this post are my own.

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