GUEST POST: What’s the Best Way to Wear Lip Liner?

Lip liner is a wonderful thing when it’s done right. Problem is, how do you get it right? If you’re looking to plump up your pout with a bit of makeup magic, take a look at our top tips for lip lining.

Hold Your Pencil at a 45 Degree Angle

Let’s begin with the basics. When applying your lip liner, try holding it at roughly a 45® angle and using short, light strokes. This will help you avoid the issue of having different weighted lines at random points of your lips, creating a more evenly pencilled pout.

Quick Lip Contouring

Have you ever heard of lip liner contouring? Well, while the whole process may seem perplexing to some, it’s actually a lot easier than you thought. All you need is a darker lip liner for the bow and centre of the bottom lip, and blend it together with a lighter shade for optimum pout contour. That wasn’t so hard now was it?

Go Natural with a Nude Pencil

If you’re looking to accentuate your natural pout, then why not line your lips with a nude pencil? A naturally toned lip liner will add that little bit of glam to your day-to-day palette, without going overboard.

Make it Matte

Another way to add a little something extra to a neutral look is to go with a matte lip liner. Not only will it build upon your natural pout, but if you’re wearing a light lip gloss or lipstick, it’ll keep it glued to your lips for longer too.

Lock in the Lipstick First

Finally, the golden rule of excellent lip lining: always apply your lipstick first. It’ll make evenly lining your lips so much easier, and when your lipstick begins to wear off, you won’t be left with an awkward ring around your pout.

Trying out a new makeup trend can be terrifyingly exciting, but hopefully with a few of these tips and tricks, you can get it right first time.

 About the Author We here at Perfect Lips are dedicated to creating the perfect pout so that you can wear your smile with confidence. If you’d like to take a look at how we can help you, you can do so here.

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