If you’re in need of a break, there are few better ways to get it than through travel. Even with a toddler, travel is the ideal option for helping you all to unwind and refresh. In fact, this experience can be so beneficial for youngsters that you may be keen to jet away the moment they’re old enough to know what’s happening. 

The trouble is that, while travel may be the ultimate in relaxing fun for you, the same doesn’t always apply to youngsters. Instead, toddler travel done wrong could lead to groggy groany kids that ruin the peace and don’t enjoy themselves. 

Luckily, there are ways to avoid the terrors of toddler travel. If you’ve got a trip planned for your young family anytime soon, simply keep reading to find out what they are. 

# 1 - Keep flights short

Toddlers and flying are a pretty terrible mix, and a long-haul flight at this stage could see you and an entire plane of people having to deal with tantrums that last for hours. You can’t even blame your toddler for this Long flights are boring, and the constriction will be an entirely new experience. Make it one that they’re able to master by thinking about flight lengths when you book a holiday. After all, a flight that lasts to Spain that lasts around two hours is far less likely to get painful. In fact, with a fun on-flight pack, the novelty won’t even have time to wear off in this period. 

# 2 - Pack right

Think, too, about what you’re packing for your youngster. The usual holiday gear and sun cream are, of course, essential, but you may also want to consider entertainment. Packing their favourite toys and plenty of reading material can, for instance, keep them engaged on even poolside days. You could go as far as packing a tablet with their favourite films already downloaded so that you never need to worry about them getting antsy during downtime. 

# 3 - Have a plan

Remember, too, that it’s often the boring explorations/between-times that most get your toddler in tantrum mode. At that age, sitting in the sun just isn’t fun! Instead, make sure you have a detailed action plan at every stage. You could write your own itinerary here, or book a planned tour that keeps things flowing. Your toddler certainly won’t have the time or inclination to moan if you explore Egypt with On the Go Tours or see Spain with a travel group to accompany you. You could even look out for kid-friendly tours that really keep them engaged. Then, you’ll be able to rest easy that they’ll enjoy that trip as much as you do.

There’s no denying that travelling with a toddler can be well worth your while, but it can also be a draining experience. Put these pointers and more into place before you go so that you can guarantee a trip that’s a hit with every single one of you.

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