LIFESTYLE: Being Apart From Your Sweetheart: How You Can Cope and Coordinate


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If there's anything we learnt from this pandemic it's that being away from the people we love hurts like hell. But we've got to spare a thought for those people who have been away from their significant other for a long time, pandemic or not. Whether there's travel bans, or just a lack of finances, what can we do to cope with the distance? 

Planning Their Journey Home

The most important thing if we feel separated from our loved one is that we have to be proactive. If we are looking to bring our significant other over, we could do it on a spouse visa. Officially called a spouse visa UK, it is a type of family visa for people who want to reunite with their British spouse in the UK. When you start to plan on their journey over, this can help you to feel in control of the situation. It's hard enough when we are waiting for life to come back to normal, but what we can do in the meantime is prepare for when life is going to be better. That way, we're not just sitting around twiddling our thumbs and feeling worse for it. 

Considering the Other People Outside of the Equation

This is something that we need to give thought to, but surprisingly, many don’t. If you are living separately from your partner, and either of you is living with family members or roommates, you've got to consider their needs, but also their safety. In the age of the pandemic, it's important to have the vaccines, but you still need to consider the people you live with, even if you are double-jabbed. It is hard not being with the people you care about, but you also need to consider the safety of others. 

View Technology Differently

Yes, you might be getting sick to death of using Zoom, but there are many ways for you to have those moments of connection, and you can use these to maintain some of your routines, whether it's cooking dinner or watching television. 

Talking About What the Future Holds

There are naturally many things you can discuss with regard to the future, but if you are struggling in terms of the physical sensations, there's no good substitute for it, but what you can do is talk to each other about the way you'd like to touch when you are together again. It may seem somewhat silly to talk about your favourite cuddling sessions, but it can be a very cute way to keep the connection alive. You can also work together to help each other relax, but it's also a great way to start planning the big things in your life. For example, you could start to plan the wedding and get the ball rolling with buying a home together, or just what your first weekend will consist of when you are reunited. 

No doubt, you are going through something very difficult, but it's something that everybody is experiencing in one way or another. Being separated is tough, but you can ease some of the pain by preparing for the future, and it's the hope that can keep your relationship and the spark alive.

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