I've started doing a lot of research into labour and planning what kind of birth I want to have. I am trying to stay vague as I don't want to plan everything down to the last second and it all get thrown out of the window! I know chances are I won't have the birth I have planned but I thought it would be good to write a few ideas down and share some of the research i've done. I am only 24 weeks so I have a long way to go yet and this birth plan could change depending on how the rest of my pregnancy goes.

I am considered a low risk pregnancy at the moment, I have a history of high blood pressure so this could change should we see a spike in my blood pressure. So far throughout my pregnancy it's been amazing, very well behaved. This means I can technically have my baby at Solihull hospital which is the closest hospital to me however this is a midwife led unit and there's no doctors so if myself or baby was to have any complications I would have to go in an ambulance to a different hospital. I don't like the idea of this so i'm looking at Warwick hospital as this seems more like a Midwife led unit but they have doctors nearby should we need any help.
I want the birth to be as natural as possible, I would like to have minimal pain relief and I don't like the idea of them checking me every 10 seconds. I know this could all change once we get started as this is my first baby.

I have researched positive birth techniques such as Lamaze which seems really relaxing and chilled and sounds perfect. I don't want to be bed-ridden, I want to walk around and move as i've read this can help with the pain. I love the idea of a water birth so will ask for this if its possible. I have already decided Clint and my mom are going to be my birthing partners. I think having my mom there will help me alot as I do get anxious but shes had two babies so knows what shes doing. I think she will help Clint too, as this is his first baby too and I think he will feel better knowing shes there.

My fears right now are pain and something going wrong, i've watched One born every minute and see on many occasions women who have planned a natural birth being rushed for a C-section and this scares me! I am going to spend the next 3 months looking into this, more knowledge means less surprises.

I'm hoping the antenatal classes will help with breathing techniques, I am going to start watching some youtube videos too. I'd love to pay for private antenatal classes, they also do pregnancy yoga in my area but we can't really afford it right now.

A few months ago we also visited The Baby Show and learnt all about stem cells and how companies like Smart Cells collect stem cells from your babies umbilical cord and use these to protect your family from over 80 conditions and diseases. You can find out more in this infographic via the Smart Cells website.

My friend gave me a book all about positive birthing and i've seen a book called the positive birth movement that I want to check out, i'm going to spend the next month or so doing lots more research and then will draft my birth plan together. The main things I want is a relaxed calm atmosphere, with music if possible. I want to walk around, not be strapped to the bed. Minimal pain relief and prodding and hopefully there won't be a need for medical intervention but I know they are nearby if I need them.

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