As our children grow, it’s easy to feel as though we’re losing a certain connection to their education.

When they’re small, we’re usually very involved. They excitedly tell us each detail of their day – from what they’ve eaten for lunch to who played with who and what colour they painted the sky.

These magical days pass by quickly though and once they hit secondary school, there often seems to be a gap between you, your child and their education. Unless your child is particularly open in their sharing style, you may lose touch and have little to no idea as to which subjects they’re enjoying and which they’re struggling with. Here are some top tips to help you stay more involved with your child’s education no matter what their age:

  • Look at their timetable – you should be able to see their timetable so that you know which subjects they have on which day. This is useful for helping them get their homework in on time.
  • Email their teachers – just at the start of each term. Let them know that you’re available to support them should the need arise. This is also a good opportunity to tell the teachers of any problems your child might be having.
  • Join the PTA – a good chance to meet other parents and to discuss any concerns about your children’s school experience as well as raise money.
  • Help your child do their homework – this might sound obvious but if your child is particularly capable, they might not call on your for help. Offer assistance and let them know you’re there and would like to help if needed.

When exams are coming up

Make sure your child has everything they need to study effectively. A good workspace including desk and office chair is vital. Quiet time during exam periods is important to – if your child knows you respect their efforts, they’re likely to try much harder. As this independent school in Kent suggests, treating each child as an individual with their own strengths is vital for their success.

Don’t get cross

If your child knows that you’re not emotionally reactive, they will be far more likely to share any issues they might be having at school. From big problems like failed exams to small things like forgotten spelling lists, just knowing you’re there to help is of enormous importance. Stay calm and friendly and your child will always turn to you for help.

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