well did i get a bargain todayy ;D
im well chuffed with it....
pleated skirt in the sale for £15, its the black onee.
so anywayy yes when you go on the motel rocks website a pop up to claim your free £10 voucher appears but its not valid on sale items or atleast thats what it says, all i know is instead of paying £15 for my skirt i payed £5 so check it out ;D
hows everyoneee?
havent blogged in forever my laptops broke so currently ive been spending extra time at college doing my coursework and usings daniel or daddys laptop.
been saving therefore may invest in a new laptop.
working loads this week : 39 hours, its gonnaa killl me :'(
moneyyyy tho $$$$ :D
got 1 piece of coursework left; im in fact over the work count alreadyyy got loadss to do so this may take some time to edit/ cut up haha
this havee been strange.
spending so much time in college and workingg; roll on 2nd julyy; HOLIDAYY <3
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