Tips For Getting Back To Work After A Career Break

 Regardless of how long or why you have been out of the workplace restarting a career, new job or self-employed business can be daunting. What was once the familiar has now become the unknown and you may have taken a little confidence hit along the way. To help you get back into the workplace stronger than ever, here are some tips that will hopefully make the transition smoother and easier. 

Photo credit; This Is Engineering from Pexels

Decide on what you want and need

When it comes to employment many people have a ‘take what you can get approach’.  While that may be a necessity in some situations if you have the time and ability to determine what you want and need from a career then you should prioritise that. This is especially important if you are returning to work after a period of absence to raise children or have family commitments to consider. It is important that you are honest and upfront with employers and yourself from the outset. Be clear about the type of job you are looking for, the flexibility you need and the responsibility you do or don’t want. The last thing you want to do is take on a role that is not suited to you and knocks your confidence further. 

Learn or develop a skill 

During your absence from work why not use the time to brush up on pre-existing skills or take the time to learn something new altogether. You could undertake an online course that allows you to undertake and understand CFD trading, social media management or even head back to the classroom to retrain completely. It is never too late to start learning, what is more, it will improve your confidence and job prospects in the process. 

Another great way to improve or refresh your skills is to undertake some volunteering roles. This will look great on your CV, improve your confidence and get you back into the habit of routine and responsibility. 

Explain your career break

Some employers may want to know a little bit more about your career break, especially if it has been a protracted one. It is a good idea to work out the reasons behind your break. That is not to say you need to justify it, rather explain it and be comfortable discussing it in interviews or covering letters. Remember, there is no wrong answer, keep it brief and to the point. 


If you have maintained a good relationship with former employees and colleagues then now is a good time to reach out. Typically people will always be willing to help, it might be by way of a coffee and prep talk or they may be able to offer you something more concrete. Reaching out and reconnecting with the professional world is a great way to let people know that you are returning to the workplace and potentially unearth opportunities you might not have known about. Networking does not have to be limited to the professional world, remember friends and family may be able to offer up the same benefits. 

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