LIFESTYLE: 5 Tips For Having Fun at Home on a Rainy Day



Being stuck indoors when it’s raining outside isn’t the most exciting prospect. What you really want to be doing is spending time with your friends, relaxing in the sun, and having fun outdoors. But sometimes the weather has other plans for you. Instead, you’re faced with the dreary reality of passing your day in boredom while confined to your home.

But spending a day inside doesn’t have to be monotonous. In life, you get out what you put in, and if you are convinced you are going to have a dull time then you probably will. But if you face your day with an optimistic attitude and try to accentuate the positives, you will find ways to occupy your time and have a great day in the comfort of your house.

To save you from killing time scrolling through social media or staring blankly at daytime TV, here are five great tips for having fun at home on a rainy day.

Have a movie marathon

Gray, drizzly weather can be downright depressing, but there’s no surer way to brighten up your mood than watching a film you love. Why not spend your day watching back-to-back movies that bring you joy? Your movie marathon can include a selection of your old favorites or even all those Oscar-winning pictures you’ve been wanting to see for some time. So close the shutters, microwave some popcorn, then sit back and relax. There are plenty of great streaming services that allow you to watch almost any film you can think of.

Call up a friend

If you’re stuck at home alone, it’s understandable you might be craving some human contact. But in this modern world of social media and the internet, you’re never really alone. Use this time to call up a relative or old friend you haven’t spoken with in some time. Or you could arrange a Zoom hangout with your buddies, playing games and having a few drinks over video chat. 

Read a book

If you’re the kind of person who loves to read but can never seem to find the time, there are few better opportunities than a rainy day stuck indoors. Pick up a book from your to-read pile, get comfortable in your reading nook and immerse yourself in a new world. 

Have a pamper day

Self care is important, and one of the most comforting ways to spend a rainy day is to pamper yourself. Take a long hot bath with some candles and relaxing music, put on a face mask, and do your nails, or whatever else makes you feel good. 

Cook up a storm

There are few things in life that bring as much happiness as a home-cooked meal. Creating delicious food from scratch is incredibly satisfying and will definitely take your mind off the horrible weather outside. If you have a sweet tooth, why not try your hand at baking cupcakes or cookies. And if you’re more of a savory person, a warming winter stew or soup will help you forget all about the rain.

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